Bulgarian Recycling Association (BAR) is a partner of the Finnish municipality of Kouvola in the “Circular Public Procurement” project under the INTERREG Europe Programme.
The project is worth: 2,208,675.00 euros.
It consists of two Phases with a total duration of 60 months. The duration of Phase 1 is 36 months and the duration of Phase 2 is 24 months. The project started on 01.06.2018 and ends on 31.05.2023.
The project partners are 12 from a total of 10 countries.
At first glance, public procurement does not seem like an attractive topic. However, in a broader context, it is circular procurement that is becoming the engine of the circular economy. Thanks to ecological and sustainable criteria, public authorities could increase the share of ecological products in Bulgaria, help build new business models and strengthen the economy of our country.
Smart Circular Procurement (CircPro) project analyzes good practices from different European countries regarding the processes related to the better management of circular procurement, with a view to promoting the transition to a more circular economy related to the procurement decisions at the national and regional level.
Each partner influences at least one policy instrument in their own region/country, with the results significantly improving the understanding and acceptance of circular public procurement by public authorities and various stakeholders.
As a project partner, the policy addressed to the Bulgarian Recycling Association is part of the National Waste Management Plan 2014-2020 – “Goal 3: Waste management that ensures a clean and safe environment”, where they could lay down a clear definition and criteria for ‘circular public procurement’ to be in line with the EC’s Circular Economy Package.
The change of the political instrument is already a fact and the official definition of circular public procurement given by the EC is present in the texts of the new National Waste Management Plan 2021-2028.
In order to strengthen the effect of the project activities at the national level, the Association sent a motivated opinion for the inclusion of circular public procurement in another strategic document, namely the Strategy of Bulgaria for the transition to a circular economy 2021-2027. This change is extremely important because it is the first document that outlines clear measures to achieve the ambitious goals of the EC, in the field of circular economy.
As part of the project activities, the Bulgarian Association of Recycling developed a Guidebook for Circular Public Procurement, Action Plan for circular procurement, Policy Brief and Recommendations to a businesses, newsletters and articles.
You can find all database available in our online library here